Thursday, September 17, 2009

Technologically Illiterate Teachers, OK?

photo of teacher with a confused look on her face standing if front of a computer, words like web 2.0, wikis and blogs float in the air around her.

In his blog, Fischbowl, Karl Fisch asked the question, "Is It Okay to Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?" In this day and age, of course, my response is a resounding, "No!" I would like to additionally answer his query with one of my own. "What teacher in his or her right mind, in this day and age, would attempt to teach while technologically illiterate?" To me, it seems as though one would be committing educator suicide. A teacher today needs to be able to operate and use effectively the technology he or she has access to. There are so many without any technology that we should be thankful and take full advantage of what we have in that respect.

I love Mr. Fisch's reference to parents who say, "I was never any good at math either." What is that but making another excuse for your child not to apply him or herself? Teachers can not afford to make excuses for their ignorance. That also gives students an excuse not to apply themselves. If one endeavors to teach, it must be with the full conviction of doing one's best. Teachers are role models and have so many young lives in their hands, if only for a short time. We owe them our utmost effort on their behalf.

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